Blogging 201 – Day 6 & 7

Day 6 of the Blogging 201 Challenge was about bringing traffic to our archives while Day 7 was about broadcasting our brand.

For both of them assignments, I have already set a few things. Once again, I was already aiming for the right direction and this makes me kind of proud of myself. Yes, it happens sometimes !

I already had set links to archives of the categories that I want to push forward in my Menu bar. And I decided to add, at first a widget displaying my top articles but changed my mind today for a widget displaying my monthly archives. A wise man changes his mind, a fool never will. Yep, I am a wise man. Well, woman, but still. I am wise !

We were also adivsed to activate the Related Post option in our posts, which was done for me long ago, and to set a Best Of page, which I will do when I have more articles to promote.

Yesterday’s assignment was to pick one social network we’ll use to help grow our blog and connect it to our site in at least one way. I’ve  added Twitter and Pinterest buttons to my sidebar and I also added two more of my social accounts to publicize my post (Google + and LinkedIn). I am not gonna publicize every post on them all, but I’ll choose wisely (I am a wise man, remember), which content is going on which network. And as for the Sharing buttons, already had them as well at the end of my posts.

And this is where I’m going to end this post.


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